Ami Norton
Hi, ich bin Ami. Ich helfe dir dabei, eine bewusste Verbindung zu dir selbst schaffen – die ist letztlich die wichtigste Beziehung, die wir führen. Möchtest du dich in deinem Körper wohler fühlen, dein Selbstbewusstsein stärken, mehr Gleichgewicht im Alltag finden, Beziehungen (mit dir selbst und anderen) harmonischer führen, Stress reduzieren und Leichtigkeit kultivieren? Ich möchte dir zeigen, wie die Yogapraxis diese Türen für dich öffnen kann und auch vieles mehr.
Ich unterrichte kreative aber anatomisch fundierte Yogastunden, die Musik, Bewegung und Meditation kombinieren, um dir einen Raum und die Werkzeuge zu geben, deinen Körper und Geist neu zu erleben. Ich helfe dir dabei, dich gesund in deinem Körper zu fühlen – seine Stärken zu schätzen und seine Schwächen zu akzeptieren. Ich liebe was ich tue, da ich dich auf eine Reise zu dir selbst begleiten darf, mit einer Praxis, die weit über die Yogamatte hinaus reicht.
Thursday, 31.08.2023
12:30-14:00, Flowstage
“Melt into You – Conscious Connection Flow”
Slow-down – Flow – Yin
This workshop is all about nurturing your connection to yourself – melting into you. While this can sound abstract, usually, it comes down to tuning out the world for a little while and observing what comes up. Combining a mindful, slow flow sequence designed as a meditation in movement with long-held stretches (yin style), meditation (beginner-friendly), and journaling, Ami will share practices that she uses herself to help you to turn the gaze inwards and cultivate a conscious connection between your body, mind, and soul.
If you have a notebook with you, bring it along! Otherwise, you’ll get what you need at the workshop 😉
Friday, 01.09.2023
12:30-14:00, Flowstage
TGIF Inside Flow
Fun – Flow – Feel-good
Leave the week behind you and start your weekend in flow! A playlist full of party songs and mood-boosting beats will carry you through this class as we build up a choreography of yoga asanas (and some dance moves 😉) to an Inside Flow. Surrounded by your flowmates, you can forget about your every-day, connect to your body and yourself, and have fun with your practice on (and sometimes off) the mat 💃🏽
Saturday, 02.09.2023
10:30-12:00, Flowstage
“Finding the Sweet Spot – It’s all about balance”
Balance – Alignment – Strength
Strength and flexibility, lightness and stability – both in the yoga practice and life off the mat, we often seek to find the balance between two polarities – the sweet spot. In this workshop, we will use the interplay between different qualities in the yoga practice to find your balance and observe what comes up when things get wobbly. So you can practice finding the sweet spot both on and off the mat.
Sunday, 03.09.2023
10:30-12:00, Flowstage
Inside Flow
Music – Flow – Emotion
In this workshop, Ami uses her passion for yoga, dance, and music to guide you through an Inside Flow that will leave you feeling connected – both to yourself and others. In Inside Flow, we bring together a choreography of yoga asanas, where breath and movement become one. We’ll also take time to look at the alignment of specific transitions so that you can find your flow and experience that flow state. Together we will laugh, maybe cry, sweat, and most certainly grow. Inside Flow is a challenging practice, but it’s definitely worth it.