Maeva Boldron's Workshops
yunion Yoga Days Zürich
yunion Yoga Festival
yunion Yoga Days Zürich
Sa, 9:40 – 11:10
Bind to Expand
In this class we will use functional mobility to expand the ranges of motions and control of the shoulders. Through some drills and a deep articulated sequence, we will work on the ability of the shoulder to rotate (axial rotation) and make out way towards binding in the practice, releasing what needs to be with full authenticity.
Sa, 14:30-16:00
Spinal Intelligence
In this class we will dive deep into the key elements to the practice of back bending in order to work with a healthy and articulated spine. We will create more awareness and strength in each section of the spine along with hip extension. This exploration will allow us to express some of the most powerful back bends in contraction such as King Cobra & Dhanurasana bow pose giving us the opportunity to raise the energy of our heart.
So, 11:30 – 13:00
Throughout this practice, we will free up some space to experience freedom inside the hips. We will go through internal and external rotation work to create better ranges and deeper control. Using specific exercises and the power of yoga, we will express this new potential and make it hipstraordinary…!